Will start blogging again

How it happened: I used to use this blog to post what I did, promote interesting things I saw, and comment on the world in general.

Then most people stopped using RSS readers, and discussions and comments moved to social media, where we are at the mercy of algorithms, discussion only happens in small groups, and history disappears quickly.

So I will start blogging again.

Question: How to make people aware of new posts? Are there RSS reader holdouts? Would you be interested in getting emails when I post something?

22 thoughts on “Will start blogging again”

  1. This sounds wonderful! Personally I never stopped using RSS since I like to keep control of what I get to read and I think we are still a sizeable niche. No matter what you choose, please make sure RSS is still an option. E-mails are easily missed or forgotten (and besides, I personally prefer to use e-mail purely for personal communication); RSS is more easily turned into a read-now-never-or-later workflow IMO.

  2. Still using RSS, feedly.
    Dislike social media for the exact reasons you mentioned, Jesper, plus the way they like to mix up personal and professional. There was a time when one was able to keep things separated, but now it’s a struggle.

  3. Using Brief as my RSS for the blogs I read.
    Also I have an irrationally fierce dislike of being emailed about things. I’d put unwanted emailing just above, “might be Satan”, and “burns children”, as reasons I would stop using a product or service.

  4. RSS user here as well. Though you should probably be asking this question somewhere else in social media, since most commentors probably came here through their RSS readers. :)

  5. Yep, RSS – I use Feedly. RSS readers actually sort of halted blog commenting, though, I think, because it’s so easy to passively read posts that clicking through and making the effort to comment is that much harder. I keep meaning to start blogging more but…

  6. I’m noticing a trend where people are sending newsletters that link to larger articles/blog posts elsewhere. I’d love to subscribe if you have one.

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