Total Overdose

A lifetime ago, I briefly worked at Deadline games programming the Mac version of a very ambitious, artsy, alternative “storytelling” game called Blackout.

Now the same Deadline Games is about to launch Total Overdose, a completely over-the-top I-don’t-give-a-damn action game where you play the role Ramiro Cruz, trying to deal with a Mexican drug cartel, blowing up lots of things and earning Tony Hawk-style combo bonuses in the process.

Not quite on the same page as their earlier games, but then you don’t need to be.

2 thoughts on “Total Overdose”

  1. Det spil er virkelig fedt. De gange jeg har bes?gt Deadline, mens de arbejdede p? Overdose, har jeg flere gange h?rt diskussioner om situationer, karakterer og controls blive afgjort p? basis af hvad der ville v?re sjovest. Det m?rker man hurtigt n?r man spiller Total Overdose! Arkade gameplay med dybde, god grafik, leveldesign og ikke mindst animation… det g?r virkelig op i en h?jere enhed. Jeg tror at Deadline bliver store p? det spil.
    Men ja, det er virkelig n?rmest antitesen til Blackout.

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